1.4 Improving Self-Awareness

Course Overview This is the second course in a 2-course series on the topic of self-awareness. While the previous course focused on developing a foundational understanding of self-awareness–what self-awareness is and why it’s important–this course will focus more on strategies to help you gain more insight into who you are and the tools needed to […]

1.3 Foundations of Self-Awareness

Course Overview Merriam Webster defines self-awareness as, “The capacity for introspection and the ability to recognize oneself as an individual separate from the environment and other individuals.” Self-awareness is key for career success. People who are more self-aware tend to perform better at work, get more promotions and lead more effectively. Companies with more self-aware […]

1.2 The Power of Priorities

Course Overview You are confronted with the paradox of choice: The more options you have, the less likely you are to choose any of them. This is why setting priorities is a key factor in determining how efficient and ultimately, successful, a person is.   This course is designed to introduce several models for setting priorities […]

1.1 Be Proactive!

Course Overview This guide reviews the concept of proactive and reactive behaviors in depth. By bringing awareness to your decision making process, you will become able to see how you’ve responded either proactively or reactively in previous situations in your life, while also applying what you’ve learned to future scenarios. This course will equip you […]

