6.7 Running Effective Meetings
Course Overview In this course, you will learn about how to prepare for and run an effective meeting. You will learn tips for creating an effective agenda, keeping the meeting on track, ending a meeting well, and how to follow up on the action points of the meeting. All these elements come together to determine […]
6.5 Level 5 Leadership
Course Overview Of the many different leadership models out there, this course will zoom in on one particular model called ‘Level 5 Leadership’. “What is Level 5 Leadership?” you may ask? We’ll discuss that in the next few pages. You will learn just what Level 5 Leadership is and what qualities define a Level 5 […]
6.4 Summary of Leadership Styles
6.3 Overcoming Leadership Challenges
Course Overview Leadership is a challenging! As a leader you hold responsibility for inspiring and guiding people who follow and trust you. You are expected to set the course of an organization in both good times as well as bad. You are expected to be the one to plan and execute those first tentative steps […]
6.2 Learning From Great Leaders
Course Overview In this course, we will take a look at the success stories of some of the great business leaders of our time to see what we can learn. There is a very old saying, attributed to Isaac Newton which says “If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the […]
6.1 Leadership vs. Management
Course Overview Management and Leadership are two distinct functions within an organization which frequently overlap. Not every leader is a good manager, and not every manager is a good leader. Both qualities are needed in a successful organization and it’s okay if they are distributed among more than one person. Some people will have strengths […]